A Javascript library for utilising Syscoin blockchain operations in node.js and browsers.
This documentation is currently a WIP. Please let us know if you notice any typos or have any ideas for improvement.
assetAllocationBurn( assetOpts, txOpts, assetMap, sysChangeAddress, feeRate, sysFromXpubOrAddress, utxos, redeemOrWitnessScript )Burn an asset allocation for the purpose of provably burning. Could be used to create proof-of-burn for SysNEVM bridge by specifying the NEVM address as the destination in assetOpts.
assetAllocationMint( assetOpts, txOpts, assetMap, sysChangeAddress, feeRate, sysFromXpubOrAddress, utxos, redeemOrWitnessScript )Mint a new asset using proof-of-lock on NEVM chain as a proof to mint tokens on Syscoin.
assetAllocationSend( txOpts, assetMap, sysChangeAddress, feeRate, sysFromXpubOrAddress, utxos, redeemOrWitnessScript )Send an asset allocation to other users. Once the assetSend() function has been used to issue a token to an address this function is then used to send the tokens.
assetNew( assetOpts, txOpts, sysChangeAddress, sysReceivingAddress, feeRate, sysFromXpubOrAddress, utxos, redeemOrWitnessScript )Create new Syscoin Platform Token (SPT).
assetSend( txOpts, assetMap, sysChangeAddress, feeRate, sysFromXpubOrAddress, utxos, redeemOrWitnessScript )Issue supply by sending it from asset to an address holding an allocation of the asset.
assetUpdate( assetGuid, assetOpts, txOpts, assetMap, sysChangeAddress, sysReceivingAddress, feeRate, sysFromXpubOrAddress, utxos, redeemOrWitnessScript )Update an existing Syscoin Platform Token (SPT).
createPSBTFromRes( res, redeemOrWitnessScript )Crafts a PSBT from a res object. Detects witness/non-witness UTXOs and sets appropriate data required for bitcoinjs-lib to sign properly.
createTransaction( txOpts, changeAddress, outputsArr, feeRate, fromXpubOrAddress, utxos, redeemOrWitnessScript )This function is used to send Syscoin or Bitcoin or like coins.
fetchAndSanitizeUTXOs( utxos, fromXpubOrAddress, txOpts, assetMap, excludeZeroConf )Fetch UTXO's for an address or xPub from back-end Blockbook provider and sanitize them for use by upstream libraries.
signAndSend( res, notaryAssets )Signs and Notarizes if necessary and sends a transaction to the network using Signer.
signAndSendWithSigner( res, Signer, notaryAssets )Signs and Notarizes if necessary and sends a transaction to the network using Signer.
signAndSendWithWIF( res, wif, notaryAssets )Signs and Notarizes if necessary and sends a transaction to the network using Signer.
Syscoin( Signer, blockbookURL, network )Constructor.
Top level object used by consuming libraries to craft Syscoin/Bitcoin transactions. For Syscoin SPT support is provided.
syscoinBurnToAssetAllocation( txOpts, assetMap, sysChangeAddress, feeRate, sysFromXpubOrAddress, utxos, redeemOrWitnessScript )Burn Syscoin to mint SYSX.