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A Javascript library for utilising Syscoin blockchain operations in node.js and browsers.

This documentation is currently a WIP. Please let us know if you notice any typos or have any ideas for improvement.


assetAllocationBurn( assetOpts, txOpts, assetMap, sysChangeAddress, feeRate, sysFromXpubOrAddress, utxos, redeemOrWitnessScript )#

Burn an asset allocation for the purpose of provably burning. Could be used to create proof-of-burn for SysNEVM bridge by specifying the NEVM address as the destination in assetOpts.


assetAllocationMint( assetOpts, txOpts, assetMap, sysChangeAddress, feeRate, sysFromXpubOrAddress, utxos, redeemOrWitnessScript )#

Mint a new asset using proof-of-lock on NEVM chain as a proof to mint tokens on Syscoin.


assetAllocationSend( txOpts, assetMap, sysChangeAddress, feeRate, sysFromXpubOrAddress, utxos, redeemOrWitnessScript )#

Send an asset allocation to other users. Once the assetSend() function has been used to issue a token to an address this function is then used to send the tokens.


assetNew( assetOpts, txOpts, sysChangeAddress, sysReceivingAddress, feeRate, sysFromXpubOrAddress, utxos, redeemOrWitnessScript )#

Create new Syscoin Platform Token (SPT).


assetSend( txOpts, assetMap, sysChangeAddress, feeRate, sysFromXpubOrAddress, utxos, redeemOrWitnessScript )#

Issue supply by sending it from asset to an address holding an allocation of the asset.


assetUpdate( assetGuid, assetOpts, txOpts, assetMap, sysChangeAddress, sysReceivingAddress, feeRate, sysFromXpubOrAddress, utxos, redeemOrWitnessScript )#

Update an existing Syscoin Platform Token (SPT).


createPSBTFromRes( res, redeemOrWitnessScript )#

Crafts a PSBT from a res object. Detects witness/non-witness UTXOs and sets appropriate data required for bitcoinjs-lib to sign properly.


createTransaction( txOpts, changeAddress, outputsArr, feeRate, fromXpubOrAddress, utxos, redeemOrWitnessScript )#

This function is used to send Syscoin or Bitcoin or like coins.


fetchAndSanitizeUTXOs( utxos, fromXpubOrAddress, txOpts, assetMap, excludeZeroConf )#

Fetch UTXO's for an address or xPub from back-end Blockbook provider and sanitize them for use by upstream libraries.


signAndSend( res, notaryAssets )#

Signs and Notarizes if necessary and sends a transaction to the network using Signer.


signAndSendWithSigner( res, Signer, notaryAssets )#

Signs and Notarizes if necessary and sends a transaction to the network using Signer.


signAndSendWithWIF( res, wif, notaryAssets )#

Signs and Notarizes if necessary and sends a transaction to the network using Signer.


Syscoin( Signer, blockbookURL, network )#


Top level object used by consuming libraries to craft Syscoin/Bitcoin transactions. For Syscoin SPT support is provided.


syscoinBurnToAssetAllocation( txOpts, assetMap, sysChangeAddress, feeRate, sysFromXpubOrAddress, utxos, redeemOrWitnessScript )#

Burn Syscoin to mint SYSX.